Key Benefits
1” Type X glass-mat faced liner panels with moisture- and mold-resistance for use in shaft wall and area separation wall systems
Suitable for installation before the building envelope is fully enclosed and dried-in (fast track or pre-rock)
Guaranteed for five years against manufacturing defects and has a 12-month limited-exposure warranty
Fire resistant—1 and 2-hour fire ratings

Product Description : Glass mat shaftliner panel for extended exposure protection
PABCO GLASS SHAFTLINER is suitable for lining elevator shafts and constructing light weight fire barriers for cavity shaft walls, stairwells, and area separation walls in commercial and multifamily residential applications. Its proprietary gypsum core is reinforced with glass fibers and encased in a distinctive orange, mold-resistant glass fiber mat facing. This combination provides added dimensional stability that resists warping, rippling, buckling, and sagging. PABCO GLASS SHAFTLINER is warrantied for extended exposure, up to 12 months, under normal weather conditions.
Additional Resources
Product Dimensions
PABCO GLASS® Shaftliner Type X | PG-10 | 1" | 24" | 8'-12' | Double Beveled | 4.1lbs/ft2 |
1Length availability may change; other lengths may be available on a special-order basis. Consult with your local PABCO® representative.
2Represents approximate weight for design and shipping purposes. A more exact weight may be available for your area; consult
Technical Data
Composition | Core: Naturally occurring gypsum and proprietary additives Facer: Mold-resistant coated glass fiber mat |
Manufactured | ASTM C1658 |
Installation | PABCO® Gypsum Shaftwall and Stairwell Systems Brochure PABCO® Gypsum Area Separation Wall Systems Brochure GA-620 Gypsum Area Separation Firewalls |
Mold/Mildew Resistance | ASTM D3273 |
Water Absorption | ASTM C473 |
Surface Burn | ASTM E84 |
Combustibility | ASTM E136 |
Fire Resistance and Sound Control | The PABCO® Sound Design Guide Sound Assembly Tool GA-600 Fire Resistance and Sound Control Design Manual Underwriters Laboratories - UL Product iQ® CKNX R7094 for the latest UL Design Numbers |
Product Documents
3-Part Spec–092900–Gypsum Panels
3-Part Specification for all PABCO® Gypsum and QuietRock ® gypsum panel products.
Safety Data Sheet – PABCO® Gypsum Panel Products
Safety Data Sheet for all PABCO Gypsum board products.
PABCO GLASS® Shaftliner Submittal
Submittal document for PABCO GLASS Shaftliner panel for use in shaft wall and area separation wall systems
Area Separation Wall Systems
PABCO® Area Separation Walls for fire and sound protection in multifamily construction.
PABCO GLASS product overview, benefits and applications.
PABCO® Gypsum Product Catalog
The complete PABCO Gypsum Product portfolio offering drywall beyond expectations.