Key Benefits
Provides the most enhanced mold-and-moisture-resistant protection available in gypsum board products
Engineered for use in high humidity areas where enhanced mold and moisture protection is needed on wall and ceiling applications
Comprised of naturally fire-resistant, non-combustible gypsum core encased in 100% recycled face and backing paper also treated for moisture and mold resistance
Achieves a 10 rating, the highest level of performance for mold and moisture resistance per ASTM D3273
Approved for exterior soffits and corridors or breezeways that are protected from direct exposure

Product Description : Interior mold and moisture resistant gypsum board
MOLD CURB Plus panels are manufactured with a special formulated gypsum core and paper facing, which provide enhanced protection against moisture and mold. The panels have been engineered for use in high humidity areas where enhanced mold and moisture protection is needed for both wall and ceiling applications. The panels contain a naturally fire-resistant, non-combustible gypsum core. Available in ½” Regular for residential construction and 5/8” Type X for fire-rated commercial applications.
Additional Resources
Product Dimensions
MOLD CURB® Plus Regular | N/A | 1/2" | 48" | 8'-12' | Tapered | 1.7 lbs/ft2 |
MOLD CURB® Plus Type X | PG-5W | 5/8" | 48" | 8'-12' | Tapered | 2.3 lbs/ft2 |
1Length availability may change; other lengths may be available on a special-order basis. Consult with your local PABCO® representative.
2Represents approximate weight for design and shipping purposes. A more exact weight may be available for your area; consult with your local PABCO® representative.
Technical Data
Composition | Core: Naturally occurring gypsum and proprietary additives Paper: 100% recycled treated paper on front, back and long edges |
Manufactured | ASTM C1396 |
Installation | GA-216 Application and Finishing of Gypsum Panel Products GA-214 - Levels of Finish for Gypsum Panel Products ASTM C840 Standard Specification for Application and Finishing of Gypsum Board |
Installation and Finishing | GA-216 Application and Finishing of Gypsum Panel Products GA-214 - Levels of Finish for Gypsum Panel Products ASTM C840 Standard Specification for Application and Finishing of Gypsum Board |
Mold/Mildew Resistance | ASTM D3273 10 (Highest Rating) |
Water Absorption | ASTM C473 ≤5% by weight |
Humidified Deflection | ASTM C473 1/2” thick panel 10/8” 5/8” thick panel 5/8” |
Surface Burn | ASTM E84 Flame Spread 15 Smoke Developed 0 |
Combustibility | ASTM E136 Non-Combustible Gypsum Core |
Fire Resistance and Sound Control | The PABCO® Sound Design Guide Sound Design Tool GA-600 Fire Resistance and Sound Control Design Manual Underwriters Laboratories - UL Product iQ® CKNX R7094 for the latest UL Design Numbers |
Product Documents
3-Part Spec–092900–Gypsum Panels
3-Part Specification for all PABCO® Gypsum and QuietRock ® gypsum panel products.
Safety Data Sheet – PABCO® Gypsum Panel Products
Safety Data Sheet for all PABCO Gypsum board products.
PABCO MOLD CURB® Plus Submittal
Submittal document for PABCO MOLD CURB Plus, an interior mold and moisture-resistant gypsum board.
Wallboard Guidelines
GA-214-2021 Levels of Finish for Gypsum Panel Products
The finishing requirements for walls and ceilings prior to the application of paints and other decorative finishes.
GA-214-2022 Quick Reference Guide
Quick reference guide to the recommended levels of finish for gypsum panel products.
HPD v2.2 for 5/8” MOLD CURB Plus Type X.
Raw Materials–MOLD CURB® Plus
Disclosure and Optimization–Sourcing of Raw Materials for 5/8” MOLD CURB® Plus Type X.
VOC – MOLD CURB® Plus Products
VOC Emission Test Certificate for 5/8” MOLD CURB® Plus, which also applies to other products formulated to provide mold and…