The Newsroom
Take a Tour of the New PABCO Website

Welcome to the new PABCO Gypsum website! A unified site combining two leading drywall brands—PABCO® Gypsum and QuietRock®. It’s easier to navigate and more robust with the information, resources, and tools you need to make your job easier.
User Friendly Home Page
On the PABCO Gypsum Home Page you’ll find the DEALER LOCATOR conveniently located near the top of the page, PRODUCT CATEGORIES that will easily taking you to the product you need, RESOURCES such as documents, FAQs, case studies plus Tools tailored specifically for Architects and Contractors. You’ll also find RECENT NEWS & ARTICLES throughout the home page keeping you apprised of upcoming events, new marketing materials, research studies and more.
Dedicated QuietRock Page
A page devoted to the QuietRock brand was designed to make the transition easier for customers used to going to the QuietRock website. There you’ll find all the information on the previous site and much more. Recent news about QuietRock, PANELS and ACCESSORIES, a handy DEALER LOCATOR, QUIETROCK RESOURCES geared toward sound control and more.
Robust Product Section
Find the PRODUCT you need easily by filtering by product category. Once there you’ll find a robust product page with all the information you need from KEY BENEFITS, ADDITIONAL RESOURCES where you can access important documents like the 3-part spec, Revit files or add the product to the SUBMITTAL CREATOR You’ll also find PRODUCT DIMENSIONS and TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS, PRODUCT DOCUMENTS and SUSTAINABILITY INFORMATION.
Resources Galore
Have we got the resources for you! DOCUMENTS under virtually every category you can think of. PROJECT SHOWCASE focused on specific industries. LEARNING CENTER where you can select from a variety of CE and Product Knowledge courses. A VIDEO GALLERY with our most popular videos organized by category. An FAQ section for quick answers to the commonly asked questions. TOOLS FOR ARCHITECTS and TOOLS FOR CONTRACTORS where customers can easily find relevant resources for their needs.
About and More
Explores WHY DO BUSINESS with PABCO, COMPANY INFORMATION including a look at PABCO Gypsum’s history and background, a SUSTAINABILITY section with links to our sustainability documents and information along with a NEWSROOM complete with the most recent news and articles.
Opportunity Knocks
Are you looking for a new career opportunity that focuses on building strong relationships? CAREERS will point you to the available positions with PABCO Gypsum or the PABCO Building Products division as a whole.
Get in Touch
CONTACT will provide you with several ways to reach out to us—via form completion, or you can call or email our customer service or technical staff for a quick response to your questions. You’ll also find information on our company locations.
Enjoy the tour!